Upcoming Events/Workshops
Saturday, May 4th, 2024 11am – 1pm live via ZOOM
DREAM ON! Co-taught with Louisa Rosager
IYKYK – Melissa and Louisa are back with their flagship workshop. Learn how to use dreams and writing exercises to elevate and deepen your creative work.
Investment: $120.00 Reserve your spot here.
Sunday, May 19th, 2024 10am-12pm live via ZOOM
Character and Archetype – co-taught with Louisa Rosager
Learn how to use Archetypes to create timeless, compelling characters in your acting and/or writing careers.
Investment: $120.00 Reserve your spot here.
Tuesday, April 12th, 5pm PT, ONLINE
Free Creativity Tune-Up
Join Melissa Clark and Louise Rosager for this free 45-minute workshop intended to jump-start your creativity. RSVP here to join! A Zoom link will be sent to you a day before class.
Tuesday, March 15th, 2:00pm Pacific Time, Online
Creativity Tune-Up
Join Melissa Clark and Louise Rosager for this free 45-minute workshop intended to jump-start your creativity. RSVP here to join! A Zoom link will be sent to you a day before class.
Sunday, March 20th, 9:30-11:30am PST, ONLINE
Wake Up and Dream
Unlock your creative potential through dreams and the unconscious mind.
Join Melissa Clark and Louise Rosager for a monthly class, that utilizes writing, mythology and dreamwork to enhance your creative expression and make you a better artist.
Working with dreams is the best-kept secret of our greatest artists. Every lasting piece of art – from tentpole movies, oscar-winning performances to Beethoven’s symphonies – taps into the realm of myth, symbolism and archetype. We can all tap into this realm by working consciously with our nighttime dreams. This class will teach you how to do it. Learn how to create like the greats.
Investment $100.00. Pay with Paypal.

Sunday, February 27th, 10am-12:30 Pacific Time, Online
Using Archetypes to Create Compelling Characters (date change reflected above)
Carl Jung introduced the concept of archetypes as the psychological blueprint of human personalities. He suggested archetypes were inborn tendencies that govern our behavior. Archetypes are an intrinsic part of our shared humanity, they show up in dreams and they are a feature of all great art. Tapping into the archetypal energy of your characters will ground them in deep, psychological truth, give them an authentic voice, and help add resonance and staying power to your creative writing.
Are you working with The Jester? The Hero? The Lover? Using these archetypes as a launching point, we will uncover the different character traits of each, and learn how to apply them to the cast of characters in your creative work.
New date is 2/27/22 online.
Investment $100.00. Pay with Paypal.
Thursday, February 10th, 12:30 Pacific Time, Online
Join Melissa Clark and Louise Rosager for this free 45-minute workshop intended to jump-start your creativity. RSVP here to join!
Sunday, January 30th, 9-11:30am Pacific Time, Online
The Shadow and Beyond: A Creativity and Writing Workshop
What if you could take the people and situations that trouble, annoy, and trigger you, and turn them into fuel for your creative work? The difficult people in our lives usually have something to do with our shadow – the parts of ourselves we don’t like, know, or that we fail to acknowledge. Jung taught that the shadow energy holds incredible life force and potency, and that if we can begin to own it, it can become a portal to our greatest creative potential.
In this class, we will illuminate the shadow, incorporate it into creative writing exercises, and discover how to make this shadow energy a powerful ally in our creative works.

Investment: $100. Pay with Paypal.
Saturday, January 16th, 9-11:30am Pacific Time, Online
Creative Intention Setting: A Workshop
What are your creative goals for 2022? Do you want to start a podcast? Write a play? Finish a novel?
This workshop will help you jumpstart the new year with clear intentions for your creative and personal life. It will help you identify a set of deeply personal tools to build good, consistent habits and let go of the things that no longer serve you.
Through creative writing prompts, deep imagination and dreamwork techniques, Melissa and Louise will make sure that you arrive at the best possible launching pad for a creatively fulfilling 2022.
Investment: $100. Pay with Paypal.

Wednesday, January 5, 2pm-2:45pm Pacific Time, Online
Creativity Tune-up (Free)
Join Melissa Clark and Louise Rosager for this free 45-minute workshop intended to jump-start your creativity. RSVP here to join!

Sunday, December 5, 9-11:30 PST, Online
Out of the Shadow
We all have people in our lives that rub us the wrong way, and we might not understand why we dislike them. In Jungian psychology, these people often represent our own shadow – as in, the unknown, unrealized aspects of our own selves. Jung taught that the shadow holds incredible life force and potency, and that if we can begin to own that energy it becomes a portal to our greatest creative potential.
In this class, we will encounter the Shadow, incorporate it in creative writing exercises, seek to release the negative connotations we have around this energy, and discover how to assimilate it into our lives and creative works.
Benefits of shadow-work include: Forgiveness, more energy, heightened creativity, clarity of purpose, release of negativity, and acceptance of self and others.
Investment: $100. Pay with Paypal.

Wednesday, December 1, 7:00pm-7:45pm PST, Online
Stuck on a plot point? Hesitant about starting a project? Want to talk about your dreams and subconcious mind? Please join Melissa Clark and Louise Rosager in an online, free, 45-minute creative conversation. Through their 5-years of leading creativity workshops, Melissa and Louise have helped hundreds of artists break through stuck points, gain confidence in their artistic abilities, and hack the flow state in their work. Now, they are embarking on monthly “Creative Conversations” for anyone who’s interested in meeting like-minded people and going deep regarding process and creation. Curious? Please join us online. We look forward to gathering in community and conversing with you. RSVP here to join.
Wednesday November 17th, 9:30am PST, Online
Creative Conversations (Free)
Stuck on a plot point? Hesitant about starting a project? Want to talk about your dreams and subconcious mind? Please join Melissa Clark and Louise Rosager in an online, free, 45-minute creative conversation. Through their 5-years of leading creativity workshops, Melissa and Louise have helped hundreds of artists break through stuck points, gain confidence in their artistic abilities, and hack the flow state in their work. Now, they are embarking on monthly “Creative Conversations” for anyone who’s interested in meeting like-minded people and going deep regarding process and creation. Curious? Please join us online on Weds., November 17th. We look forward to gathering in community and conversing with you. RSVP here to join.
Sunday, October 10th, 9:00-12:00 PDT Online
Fall into Flow
As artists, athletes, and writers we yearn for the powerful Flow-state – that sense of being in the zone, completely present and empowered in what we’re doing. But often, we have to let go of some kind of limiting belief system, or pattern of behavior before we can fully ‘surrender’ into this state – and take our artistic work to the next level.
In this workshop you will learn to identify what is blocking your flow, and how to release it. We will offer you techniques to consistently connect to Flow, and teach you how to produce satisfying and powerful work, even when the flow-state eludes you.
Investment: $100.00 pay here with PayPal
Sunday, September 19th, 9:30-11:30am PDT Online
Creating With Confidence!
Many things can hold us back from fulfilling our artistic goals: Not enough time, too many distractions or unavoidable responsibilities. Most of us have to attend to what is urgent before we can attend to what is important. But sometimes, the deeper thing that holds us back is a lack of confidence – which can show up in many ‘disguises.’
In this class you will learn to recognize what truly holds you back, and through a combination of Inner Work and creative writing exercises, you will learn how to push through your blocks in a safe and supported way. You will learn how to become more artistically confident, and turn your obstacles into your greatest allies on the road to full creative expression.
Investment: $80.00 pay here with PayPal
Thursday, September 9th, 7-8pm PST Online
Creativity Tune-up (Free)
Join Melissa Clark and Louise Rosager for this free hour-long workshop intended to jump-start your creativity. RSVP here to join!
Sunday, August 22nd at 9:30-11:30am PDT Online
Creating with Confidence
Many things can hold us back from fulfilling our artistic goals: Not enough time, too many distractions or unavoidable responsibilities. Most of us have to attend to what is urgent before we can attend to what is important. But sometimes, the deeper thing that holds us back is a lack of confidence – which can show up in many ‘disguises.’
In this class you will learn to recognize what truly holds you back, and through a combination of Inner Work and creative writing exercises, you will learn how to push through your blocks in a safe and supported way. You will learn how to become more artistically confident, and turn your obstacles into your greatest allies on the road to full creative expression.
Email Louise or Melissa for more info.
Investment: $80.00 Pay with Paypal.
Special Summer Offer: Sign up for any summer workshop and receive a private, 15 min. introductory coaching session from either Louise Rosager or Melissa Clark – your choice.
Sunday, July 18, 10-1 PST, Online
Getting Back into Flow!
Whether we are artists, employees, parents or athletes, we all wish for that sought-after ‘flow state’ — that experience of being in the zone, fully present, and at one with the work we’re doing. But for many of us, this is an elusive place. We may have days of finding the flow, followed by weeks or months where we feel stagnant and stuck.
Through dreamwork and writing exercises, this workshop will examine what it means to inhabit the flow state. We will offer techniques to coax it forward, look at ways to create the necessary circumstances to achieve it, and find out how to produce satisfying and powerful work, even when the flow-state eludes us.
Investment: $100.00 Pay with Paypal here
Special Summer Offer: Sign up for any summer workshop and receive a private, 15-minute, introductory coaching session from either Louise Rosager or Melissa Clark – your choice.
Sunday, May 23, 10-1 PST – ONLINE
Level Up! – The Three Levels of Storytelling
All dreams and good art speak to three fundamental levels of the human condition: The personal, the societal and the archetypal. Embracing these levels help us live a life of purpose and fulfilment, and create the kind of art that resonates across cultures and times.
Through dreamwork and writing exercises this workshop will teach you how to identify and incorporate these three levels in both your dreams and creative work, to generate lasting content, and make innovative, authentic decisions – both personally and artistically. Click here to sign-up.
Sunday, April 18th, 10-1 PST – ONLINE
Wake up and Dream! Join our online dream/creativity workshop where you’ll use your subconscious mind to invigorate your creativity. $65.00 Click here and scroll down the page for more information and to sign-up.
Sunday, April 11th, 10-12 PST – ONLINE
Unstuck: How to Overcome Choice Paralysis. Join us in a 2-hour workshop to help you deal with decisions and decision-making. Using techniques similar to our dream/creativity workshops, we’ll help you train your subconscious mind to proactively move forward instead of getting stuck in indecision. $50.00. Click here and scroll down to sign-up.
Monday, April 12th, 4:00-5:00 PT, Clubhouse App
Please join us on the platform Clubhouse as we talk about the power dreams and your subconscious mind has to activate your creativity.
Sunday, April 18th, 10-1 PSTWake up and Dream! Join our online dream/creativity workshop where you’ll use your subconscious mind to invigorate your creativity. Link here and scroll down the page for more information and to sign-up.Monday, April 5th, 3:30-4:30PST
Thursday, Feb. 4, 2021, 3-6pm PST
I’ll be co-teaching an online podcasting class through Real Voice LA. Sign-up here to join the fun!

Our next dream/creativity workshop dates are below. Learn how dreams can ignite your imagination and creativity. Send me a message on this site for more info. and/or to sign up. Classes are $65.00.
Sat. Feb. 21st 9am-12 PST
Sun. March 21st 9am-12 PST

See why participants call our workshops, “So fun and enlightening”, and “…the seamless structure, guidance and all-around genius of applicable ideas and profound deciphering of our dreams was simply AMAZING.”
Thursday, November 19th, 2020, 3-6pm PST
I’ll be teaching a fun, introductory, online podcasting class. The class will introduce a variety of podcasts and formats, and focus on writing for audio. Please go to: www.realvoicela.com for more information and to sign up!
Sunday, November 15th, 2020 9-12PST
I’ll be teaching an online dream/writing workshop with Louisa Rosiger entititled, “Wake Up and Dream”. We’ll access your boundless creativity through your subconscious. Limited spaces. Click on CONTACT to reserve your spot.
I was recently a guest on the Relunchables podcast. I talk all things Braceface. Take a listen here!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020, 3-6pm PST
I’ll be teaching another online podcasting class where we’ll explore what pods are being produced and who’s producing them. We’ll listen to samples and discuss what makes them work, and why. Please go to: http://www.realvoicela.com for more information and to sign up.

Saturday, August 15th, 2020, 11-2pm PST
I’ll be teaching a fun, online podcasting class on 8/15. The class will introduce a variety of podcasts and formats, and focus on writing for audio. Please go to: www.realvoicela.com for more information and to sign up!
I was recently a guest on the podcast WRITE ABOUT NOW.
I talk about writing, reading, and my bizarre meeting with Margaret Atwood.